A Day in the Life of an Influencer….

What makes up a day?

Is it the moments of productivity? The minutes of procrastination? Or the time spent in joy?

As a content creator, I must admit, my days are filled with continuous “busy work.” From administrative duties like emails & pitches to calculating engagement rates for campaign deliverables and updating media kits. Most days it feels like I run a small company ALL BY MY DAMN SELF!

With so much responsibility on the shoulders of ONE person its easy to forget WHY I do what I do.

Why it is I even love content creating….

Which is why I decided to start vlogging. I wanted to be able to look back on my day to day activities and feel some sort of groundedness. I wanted to have my memories at my fingertips— there to remind me that ALL IS WELL! To help me see the purpose in hard work (and hopefully progress as well).

Most importantly, I wanted to capture the moments of joy where I feel tapped into the flow of creativity. I recently released a “Day in the Life of an Influencer” vlog and as I rewatch this footage I am reminded of my love of creating. My love of transposing ideas into digital mediums to share with all of you! I love social media for so many reasons but I am most attuned to the feeling of community, purpose, and freedom that digital storytelling provides me with.

I hope to spend every day of my life creating, imagining, daring, and sharing love & light with those that need it most.

If you’re interested in following along on my adventures be sure to check out the vlog and follow me on Instagram for more #SIRNICHOLASADVENTURES

I love you all so much!


Everything Tastes Better Over Candle light…..
